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I don’t know who the first person was

To tell me that i could stop shivering

If i consciously chose to


Or maybe I discovered this ability on my own?


But what I do know is that I have had to learn this again and again.


When I stop only thinking about how cold I am

And how uncomfortable the coldness is, I can feel my body relax

And the moment becomes more than just cold. 


The cold is still there. Really, it is just as cold

But the cold is no longer the only thing consuming me.


Now I notice the small paw prints in the snow

The pine branches heavy with ice

The sound of my steps squeaking


And more, there is always more.


There are many types of coldness. The coldness can consume you, or it can simply be part of the moment.

Knowing you will be warm again

Maybe not soon.

But, you will. 


Teach yourself, again and again, that the cold

does not always have to make you shiver.

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